
It has been my pleasure and privilege to talk to some remarkable people in my regular Fireside chats, be it as part of the Boma Global Studio series, The Creative Farm (making sense of life through conversations with artists) and other programmes. The live recordings,...

There is an interesting, and growing, body of research which supports new ways of looking at recruitment. Generation X and Generation Y will select their place of employment according to how a given company ranks in terms of its social values, and whether or not...

The first thing to realise about working in a VUCA world is that it is not possible to “deal” with a VUCA reality and continue business as usual. That course of action will only lead to the world becoming increasingly more VUCA, and given the exponential...

“Thou shalt edit thyself” was the eleventh commandment. Maybe Moses found only ten of them because Yahweh had a wry sense of humour. Or maybe it was a case of following one’s own advice. (“Needs a bit of trimming here…”) Perhaps the hope was that we’d...

Our culture mythologises creativity while, simultaneously, putting up barriers which prevent people from reaching their creative potential. Now is the time when business urgently needs a new conversation with the arts – a conversation centered not on sponsorship or ownership but on partnership. I submit that...

These are my notes from two conversations about the future of education. A follow up to this article, a June 2021 Boma Global Studio conversation with Aape Pohjavirta, is here on Fireside.—Throughout the Boma Global Education Week, Boma teams in Poland, Brazil, China, New Zealand...

Most ideas are never used, or even remembered. They come, flash brightly, and are gone again. The neural connections that generate new ideas are fleeting, electrochemical sparklets easily lost in the flow of conscious thought and unconscious churn. New ideas are formed in the high...

The COVID19 crisis has, with stark relief, lit up the inadequacy of the many systems which surround us, and leaders in many organisations are finally realising that it is time to address issues other than the easily calculated bottom line. The choice before us is...

In a time of extreme uncertainty, the natural tendency to stick to the tried-and-true may seem like a good idea. Unfortunately, almost everybody else will be heading down that path. Some faster than you, some cheaper, all of them almost equally motivated. The only thing...

If there ever was a time in our lifetimes when we needed new ideas, it is now. But when you need an idea, what kind of actions do you take to keep generating better ideas, to keep them coming? Especially when cortisol and adrenaline are...