
On Monday, March 23, 2020, Boma Global’s network of partners around the World staged a rolling 24-hour Global Virtual Summit to energise multidisciplinary conversation about COVID19 and its broad context. By the end, hundreds of thousands of viewers from 152 countries would see the transmission....

In this three-part interview I talk to Mark Krawczynski, Polish/Australian architect best known for turning the Sydney Opera House into an actual Opera House ;-) (you'll have to watch it to find out the details.) The main thrust of the interview, however, as the...

“The extraordinary speed and the unsettling complexity / ambiguity of the online business environment, profoundly affects not only leadership requirements but also other key managerial processes, including communication, decision making, and vision.” Michael Brown and Dennis Gioia, in an article in The Leadership Quarterly “Making things...

A post on the Boma Global blog: The Medici knew how to get the maximum value from their artists – by working with them, and not just commissioning their works. Commissioning by itself is, of course, a wonderful thing. It keeps artists fed and watered; the...

Boma Global has taken off. From a standing start, we are now in eight countries and can expect to be growing fast and making an impact worldwide over the coming years. Boma is a format and content company. We are a global network of...

The Digital Economy Lab at the University of Warsaw is a research unit responsible for some very valuable work in that space where business and digital technology intersect. Their report "Wsparcie dla przemysłu 4.0 w Polsce" (in Polish) deals with the fundamentals of that ecosystem...

Our team was one of the first outside of the US to grab the idea of creating a "mini-TED" of our own - I think we were event number 59 in the World. Since then well over twenty thousand of such gatherings, big and small,...

So much of what passes for “innovation” is essentially stuck on the same tracks as ever — merely doing more of the same, just faster or cheaper. That is not quite enough, any more, given that radical new solutions are required in virtually every area of...

The “sudden” and “unprecedented” river of change in which we are swimming is anything but sudden and unprecedented. The only thing that has changed is the pace of the flow. “Capitalism is the midst of an epochal transformation from its previous model to a new one...

The father of strategic management, Igor Ansoff, saw identification of weak signals and appropriate response to them as key components of strategy. Coming from a perspective of analysis (he was, after all, a mathematician) he defined a pattern to such identification and response. The essential...